Pennington Quality Market

Pennington Quality Market

Commentary From Our Chairman / CEO

Photo SleeperMike 2011Pennington Quality Market
Brings out the Best For their Associates, Suppliers, Customers and Community
Michael D. Sleeper, Chief Executive Officer, Imperial Distributors, Inc.

Pennington Quality Market, a 42,000-sq.-ft. family-owned single-store supermarket, located in Pennington, NJ, does a remarkable job serving their customers and community.  Generating a tremendous amount of traffic from beautifully merchandised departments with customer service which is second to none, Pennington competes effectively, despite daunting competition. 

Pennington’s market area is over-stored.  Wegmans, Stop & Shop, ShopRite, Whole Foods, Wal-Mart and Target all compete for shoppers food purchases.  Yet Pennington has the distinction of being among the highest volume per-square-foot retailers in their market.

It all begins with a very special Rothwell family. Larry Rothwell, Chairman of the Board, a former Fleming executive, bought the Pennington store 27 years ago. His son, Michael Rothwell, vice president and general manager, worked several years for Procter & Gamble and Cadbury Schweppes before joining the family business.  Mike runs day-to- day operations with incredible skill.  And Larry’s daughter, Barbara, operates the store’s outstanding floral and catering operation.
The Rothwell family is as dedicated and committed to its customers and community as any retailer can be, and their loyal associates reflect the family’s values which are deeply ingrained in the Pennington culture. 

Recently, I had an opportunity to see the Pennington spirit recently at their 15th Annual Service Awards Dinner, held at historic Washington Crossing Inn in Washington Crossing, PA.  The banquet room was magnificently decorated by the store’s floral department.  The festive awards event featured live music and individually personalized presentations for each associate who celebrated from 5 to 40 years of service with the company. 

The highlight of the evening, however, was the Mary Rothwell Memorial Award which honors the memory of Larry’s first wife who passed away after battling cancer.  She was an extraordinary woman who cared deeply for every Pennington associate.  The Mary Rothwell Award is given to just one associate each year.  The winner demonstrates the highest standards of excellence from both work ethic and customer relations.

In addition, Imperial was honored as Vendor of the Year.  This was a thrilling moment for us as a non-food supplier, especially coming from a retailer who has done such an outstanding job in its fresh & prepared food departments.

The Rothwell family puts a tremendous premium on relationships.  Mike Rothwell paid us the ultimate compliment when he said “We like the Imperial people personally and the ethical way they do business!  It’s not just about dollars and cents but about solving problems and helping us to create opportunities. 

Pennington Quality Market represents the best of what the food industry is all about.  The Rothwells show us that good independent supermarkets can more than merely survive but actually flourish, when they bring out the very best for their associates, suppliers, customers and community.  Thanks to the entire Rothwell family for whom we have so much admiration and respect.

For comments or questions, contact us by phone at 508-756-5156, or e-mail: